Apparently this little holiday gem has yet to venture west of the Delaware Water Gap. Next December I will not rest until everyone I know in Chicago has experienced the joy of singing and clapping while Dominic begins to dance). But now that Christmas has passed, I’ve turned my attention to one of my favorite times of the year: the advent of conference play in college hoops.
As most of you know, I’m an unabashed and avid fanatic of sub-par, underachieving D-I basketball teams. Fortunately, as a Fordham season ticket holder, I’m rarely disappointed in my quest for perpetually putrid basketball. I don’t understand why you’d want to be a faceless and anonymous person in a massive crowd cheering on some powerhouse of a program when you could be one of just a few die-hards who get to sit in a half empty gym and have the whole place hear you when you tell your friends that, in addition to being a horrible official, the ref also beats his wife.
So when I began applying to graduate schools in the Mid-West, I had to do some soul searching. After all, the Mid-West is home to the behemoths of the Big 10 as well as the home of the largest fupa known to man...

Would I sell out my mid-major conference roots to seek out the immediate gratification of one of the several at large bids that the Big-10 pulls in on a yearly basis? Or would I once again cast my lot with a down and out program, hoping to get in on the ground floor before a meteoric rise to national prominence?
In the end, by choosing to go to DePaul, I obviously opted for the latter. I decided that my first trip to an NCAA tourney game should feel like the grand pay-off to a long and arduous journey, not some trivial honor given annually (like the trophy you would get at Grand Slam for having your birthday party there. Even as an adolescent, I was baffled by this. What exactly did the birthday boy achieve? What kind of coddling culture do we live in when kids get trophies just for surviving the year?). Although I should mention that my decision was made significantly less complicated by the rejection letters that I received from each of the Big-10 schools I applied to. Perhaps, through my statement of purpose essay, they could sense my reticence to join their athletic juggernauts. So with my decision made for me by various admissions boards across the region, I prepared myself for some more of the mediocrity I’d grown accustomed to in the Bronx.
I got my first taste of this mediocrity just a few days ago when the Blue Demons took on the Bible-thumping, rapture-loving, Crazy Christians of Liberty University. Our opponents’ dogmatic approach to higher education proved to be fertile ground for the jeers of the DePaul band and student section. After each DePaul basket, members of the band would shout, “Who’s your Messiah now?” The Liberty bench seemed pretty confused by this chant. Perhaps, like me, they were wondering if the band was aware of the fact that St. Vincent de Paul and the Catholics at my school worship the same God as them. And then, in a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black, one particularly slovenly member of the band mocked the Flames for their well-known chastity: “You’re entire bench has never been laid,” he shouted. I suppressed the urge to inform him that this was by choice, whereas in his case, it was most likely due to the flatulence resulting from his tuba and his nachos.
Considering the jeers being hurled at the Liberty players, it became abundantly clear that if my school is going to take the next step towards being a force in the Big East, I would have to step up my game in the stands (The Blue Demon barely held on to win in the waning seconds against this inferior opponent despite a barrage of 3's by Golem's little brother).

If I am able to elevate the level of smack talk, hopefully this will result in quality wins against tough Big East opponents. So when #2 ranked UCONN comes to town in January, I want to be ready with a slew of chants far more clever than ones that were broken out during the Liberty game.
For this reason, I am calling upon the faithful readers of JohnClaytonisaRobot to pool their creative efforts and submit chants that will undoubtedly rattle UCONN’s 7’3” Hasheem Thabeet and his teammates (Staff members at JC/Robot like to use a play on words using the center’s name. “Hasheem Can’t Thabeet the Blue Demons,” is a clean and politically correct example. But you are by no means limited to this style, nor are you restricted to clean and politically correct chants. Here’s the UCONN roster for inspiration as well as a link to the women's roster in case you're feeling frisky). After all suggestions are submitted via the comments section on this site, we will put the matter to a vote. The reader who creates the best chant will win an Addidas DePaul athletics tee shirt and a free ticket to a Blue Demons game (airfare not included).
am i the first to suggest
hasheem thabeets off into craig's austrie
"Poop on UCONN - jizz on Bird."
That's my first attempt, more to come!
I have commonly stated:
1) I only, read books with pictures in them (and I can 'get' away with this because graphs or figures are pictures to me) and,
2)the only other book that I have ever read is the only one anyone ever has to read: the Bible (I was told once that this is stupidest thing that someone had ever heard... to which I smiled... contently)
Are you really expecting me, even with pictures i) to get through this entire thing, and ii) if and when that happens, leave a comment at the end... I haven't made it through the first paragraph, and I am already full of comments...
My solution is to set an attainable goal of one paragraph a day (and I am also going to experiment if my reading rate and capacity can be increased if I don't have Dominic dancing around in my ears, and my head). And I will take care of comments in installments.
Installment #1
Why dude?
To you and him, and anyone else involved in making that I ask.
And thus ends, installment #1.
In case you're guessing, I just watched the movie... And its not as if I don't have anything else to say..., I just think its important to ask....
Why dude?
Installment #2
I also looked at the pictures. I think I am going to have to actually read to find out what Gollum and some guy from Davidson is doing (I think I picked them once upon a time in a Final Four tournament... who knew the sport of college basketball existed before March... Thanks Tom.), so I'll have to wait to comment on them, and just say instead...
That is an enormous upa... Dear Lord of the high heavens above, thank you for smiling so brightly on our brother Charlie, and blessing him with, truly, a gift from above.
Don't you just want to rub it.... I want to know what it feels like. Maybe its Charlie's special spot, and he lets out a little squeal with each subtle caress.
And thus ends the hand on upa imagery of the second installment.
Cheers to the New Year!!!
Granted it's an acquired taste, but if you're going to live in NY, you're going to have acclimate yourself to the traditions of the crazy eye-ties.
And as a Michigander, I thought you might see past Dominic and appreciate the dig at ND.
you really can't thabeet weis' fupa
Is that a variation on the Sconie's "Eff you...Eat sh*t" chant?
it's a slight award winning one, might i add.
I'd first like to apologize for using the wrong email/username. I looked at your comments T.O., and thought who the hell is David... Now, I guess I am Barry.
Installment #1.5
I watched Dominic again. It could be worse.... In any event, I stand by my previous comments (which was just asking a simple question, why dude?), and I'll leave this one to "the eye-ties and their crazy traditions."
Installment #2.5
I didn't get the dig at ND, because this would have required me to actually read the corresponding paragraph, T.O.... Now that I have read the paragraph, I still don't get it. And all I can think about is touching the upa.... But if its a dig at ND, sounds good to me.... Stupid ND.
Installment #3
Once in band camp... Alright you don't want to hear this story. But I swear, sometimes a tuba and a little melted cheese can make for an interesting evening. And everyone knows its all good fun until she asks 'who is your messiah...?'
The problem is you know the correct answer, which is Jesus, but she wants you to say her name. And of course, you don't know her name.... So you say Jesus, and everything goes downhill from there.
But it could be worse, and you'll get another chance someday. Provided of course, you don't look like that guy from Davidson... I can't wait to get to this paragraph, and find out what you got on these two pictures. He and Gollum look alot alike, don't you think...? Man, I can't wait...
But I don't want to get burned out, so I'm sticking to my installments and one paragraph a day.
do tubas actually 'cause' flatulence? I thought just thought they were used as the flatulence sound effects in cartoons.
While this is not my final suggestion, I would suggest repeatedly notifying Calhoun that Geno is a better coach. He hates that.
Yell "UCONN do that on television." then throw a bucket of green slime on the assistant coaches/white guys at the end of the bench
"Thabeet Thucks"
Scottie Haralson is a fag
Thabeet, your performance in The Air Up There was rather forced!
That should get in his head.
Thabeet, unfirwa na tumbiri. - In swahili that means, "Thabeet, you got fucked by a monkey."
A-rod blows jeter
I like where you're going with the "Air Up There" reference. Can we somehow work Kevin Bacon into the mix as well?
I think that's why you always see fat guys playing the tuba. They can easily disguise their flatulence by pretending to have played a note on their instrument.
I cant believe there haven't been any Rocky references with an Adrien on the roster, that might be the easy way out...
the leading scorer jerome dyson, got suspended for underage drinking and failing 2 drug tests. how about something like
- jerome dying for some drugs and cognac
- rolling the dyson with dope
AJ price is a good target.
- Price is wrong, bitch
- UCONN ex-con
also, is it in poor taste to make fun of his near fatal brain hemorrhage that kept him out of his freshman year? if yes, dont read the next one, if not
- (to the tune of Fuel's "hemorrhage") "price is bleeding in his head, in his head again."
- UCONN't beat the Demons
my personal favorite:
- time for a diet, you look a little husky
thats all i got for now
Hasheem Thabeets his boyfriend!
Thabeet better be discrete when he's slipping Price his dark meat. Sheeet. Your game's as strong as puffed wheat. UConn will last in the tourney as long as Mike Aversano at a track meet.
How about I just fly out there and cross over Thabeet during warm ups. I'll make sure to let him know that Tommy A.C.L. put me up to the task. This is far better than any witty cheer I can come up with!
The quantity and quality of your suggestions speak towards your creativity as a fan. I think it also says a lot about your school and the kindof atmosphere engendered in the Big Ten conference.
I had been led to believe that the ACC possessed the best basketbal fans (specifically with regard to their ability to get in the heads of opposing players). However, the various ACC grads and fans who read this site have failed to match your creative output.
I think the ACC is going to have to relinquish that particular title. Unless of course they can come up with a groundbreaking chant in the next couple of days...
this one is the winner for sure.
Hey... I finally made it to the end... I didn't realize this was going to 'interactive.' I would have 'bogged down, and just read the whole thing in one day... what fun.
Suggestions in what follows.
Damnit... All day long it took me to come up with:
When Price misses, hold up your sign that says "The Price is Wrong, Bitch."
And Kristopher beat me to it...
Make two signs then. The other should read:
"Let's go Blue Devils! Bring the squamous cell carcinoma" (Calhoun was diagnosed in May of 2008)
Calhoun also co-wrote a book, called entitled Dare to Dream, so
"Hey Calhoun, where is Leigh Montville to help you coach? Dare to dream that wasn't the worst decision anyone has ever seen."
On the Dyson drug matter, there is a bumper sticker that I saw once upon a time that read "Sports not drugs." Anytime, Dyson screws up this might be appropriate.
"Hasheem that beats his boyfriend...."
"A village in Tansania lost its Frankenstein."
You can possibly deface a Tansanian flag, while in the audience.
Finally, please keep in mind that Thabeets is a Muslim. This should up a wide variety of possibilities.
Alright, I'm done.... Tom, write another one. This was fun.
arent you the Blue Demons?
and if/when you win it would be an
upsetting DEMONstration
panDEMONium would break out
thabeets will last longer in the NBA than Nick will at a bar. With the same abilities...sloppy
"Dyson Sucks!"
Thabeets meets the cuse? Or does the orange prevail?
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